The competition will begin on Thursday 12th of September 2024.

The Mt Druitt Competition will begin on Wednesday 18th September 2024.

No, the competition will be halted during the school holidays beginning Friday 27th September, 2024 and recommence on the week of the 07th of October, 2024.

The competition is a 10 round competition. There is a 2 week break for school holidays and 1 week buffer for any washout round. The competition will conclude no later than the 06th of December 2024.

It is scheduled for Semi-Finals and Grand Finals to be played in the same Round. The finals Round is scheduled to be played the week starting 02nd December 2024. If there is no wash out rounds, this may be moved 1 week earlier. Please ensure you keep updated. All information will be posted on our website.

The first step of registration is the Team Registration. Each team must have a team 'delegate' (this does not necessarily have to be a player) who needs to register a team name first. (Register Team Here. Once the team name has been vetted by administration staff, the team delegate will receive a unique link that is required to be sent to all team mebers to sign up with.

No. Your team delegate will send you a link that will have a unique code for your team. The Team Name is required to be signed up first.

If you do not have a team you will be able to complete an individual registration from 07th August, 2023. A link will be provided and further details will be on the website.

Registration is $100.00 per player.

Yes, you can register and pay your registration fee via any of our payment method options. If you do that, you do not need to attend the listed registration days. However, if you would like to pay with cash or just come and experience Tag Rugby and participate in a practice session, then we recommend you attend one of the registration days.

Yes, if you are participating in more then one team on the same night then your second team registration will be $50.00 for the subsequent team. This is not the case if you are registering for a subsequent team on a different night.

A team must have a minimum of 10 players registered.

If you are between 14 and 17 (inclusive), you are eligable to play in both Juniors and Opens.

Yes, each team needs to have their own shirt or singlet with a number. Tag Rugby Western Sydney recommends Credible Clothing to purchase your playing shirts/singlets. At this stage you are looking at a 3-4 week turn around when ordered.

We have a limited number of shorts available for purchase. Please speak to one of our staff for further information.

No, however it is recommended as the newer shorts will provide a healthier grip for the tags. Please see our staff for more details on purchasing shorts.


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